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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week #2- The Plan

Coming up with a plan for action research was tougher than I had anticipated.  Our campus is not perfect by any means, but I wanted to choose a topic that was realistic and one that would allow me to obtain supporting evidence and data.  I came up with several ideas and was able to meet with my site supervisor late last week.  Of the three ideas I had, we decided upon student attendance and how we could improve it.  Earlier this month I attended our Site-Based Decision Making Committee where we analyzed and made changes to our CIP (Campus Improvement Plant).  Student attendance was one area that we agreed we need to focus on.  Some ideas that came up were offering incentives and rewards to students that had perfect attendance.  We talked about how we could even get parents involved and motivated to send their children to school everyday.  I will be focusing on what motivates students to come to school as well as why students are not attending school regularly.  I also want to pay close attention to demographics, specifically students that are labeled as economically disadvantaged.  I hope that I can shed some light on the matter and perhaps come up with something that makes a difference on our campus.

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