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Sunday, December 4, 2011

SIP- Mission Increase Attendance

Goals and objectives/outcomes of the research investigation-
I would like to answer the questions:  What motivates students that come from low income families to attend school daily? (Incentives and consequences) What are the reasons that students are absent from school? I would also like to increase the number of students that attend school.  (percentage)
 Activities designed to achieve the objectives-  I hope to implement a reward program that acknowledges students for perfect attendance each six weeks, semester, and year.  Students that have perfect attendance for an entire six weeks will receive a small prize (ice-cream coupon).  Furthermore, the grade level that has the best attendance will receive a party that will excuse them from their sixth period class and allow them to watch a movie, have popcorn, and enjoy time to socialize with their friends. 
Due to the fact that the fourth six weeks has the lowest attendance; students that  have had perfect attendance this six weeks will be permitted to attend “Perfect Attendance Bingo” where students will enjoy playing bingo with friends, popcorn, and will have the opportunity to win all kinds of fun prizes. 
At the end of the year, students with perfect attendance throughout the year will receive an award, acknowledging the honor. 
Resources and research tools needed for data gathering- Deborah Blansit- PEIMS/Attendance Clerk at Frank Seale Middle School, Cherie Wagoner- Principal at Vitosky Elementary, M.I.S.D. School District (Title I Campus), Jean Embry- Principal at Irvin Elementary, M.I.S.D. School District (Title I Campus), Campus Administrators, Literature (books/blogs/articles)
Draft timeline for completion or implementation of activities- Start date:  January 2012 – End date:  May 2012
 Persons responsible for implementation of the action research plan- Frank Seale Middle School Administrators- Dee Arterburn, Natalie Dennington, Coy Tipton, all teachers (for motivation/encouragement), Cub News team (advertising)
 Process for monitoring the achievement of goals and objectives- Deborah Blansit (PEIMS/Attendance Clerk) will provide printed data, including six week reports for our campus, and weekly grade level percentage reports for school motivation/competition.  These reports also break down the percentage of students’ attendance by demographics, in order to place focus on students labeled as economically disadvantaged.
Assessment instrument(s) to evaluate the effectiveness of the action research study-  Myself and my site supervisor will make a comparative analysis of the results that we find after implementing the reward system and the data we had prior to putting the action research project in place.  We will use collected data, provided by the district and our PEIMS staff to determine the effectiveness of the action research plan.

GOAL:  To learn what motivates students to attend school daily and implement a reward system that will increase school attendance as a whole, and benefit all stakeholders.

Increase student attendance on our campus.
There will be six week incentives for perfect attendance.  Grade levels will compete for one hour of free time/open gym, snacks, and socializing at the end of each six weeks.  Students that do not win, but had perfect attendance will be rewarded with an ice-cream coupon that they can use at lunch. 

“Perfect Attendance Bingo” will be advertised during the fourth six weeks.  Students that have perfect attendance this six weeks will be able to participate in a bingo game during their 5th period class and enjoy popcorn and prizes. 

At the end of the year, students with perfect attendance will receive a special trophy, acknowledging their perfect attendance. 

Awards will be given publicly, as to motivate other student participation.

School announcements are televised.  Perfect attendance program/incentive will be advertised and promoted with a commercial on our daily announcements, Cub News.
PEIMS/Attendance clerk on campus

Professional interviews:

Cherie Wagoner: Principal- Vitosky Elementary (Title I), M.I.S.D.

Jean Embry:  Principal- Irvin Elementary (Title I), M.I.S.D.

Campus Administrators- Dee Arterburn (Site Supervisory), Coy Tipton, and Natalie Dennington

Literature, including books, blogs, and articles
Develop an incentive plan that will motivate and get students excited to come to school and that all staff will promote and support.
Work closely with administrators to brainstorm creative, and affordable incentives that each grade level will compete for.

Interview principals that lead campuses with a high percentage of students that come from low income families; that also have high attendance rates.

Create exciting and creative commercials to air on campus televised morning announcements, Cub News.
PEIMS/Attendance clerk on campus

Professional interviews:

Cherie Wagoner: Principal- Vitosky Elementary (Title I), M.I.S.D.

Jean Embry:  Principal- Irvin Elementary (Title I), M.I.S.D.

Campus Administrators- Dee Arterburn (Site Supervisory), Coy Tipton, and Natalie Dennington

Literature, including books, blogs, and articles
Learn what motivates students in low income families to attend school daily.
Analyze campus data (attendance), focusing on “economically disadvantaged” students, to determine why students miss school and observe students reactions during “Perfect Attendance” award advertising.
PEIMS/Attendance clerk on campus

Professional interviews:

Cherie Wagoner: Principal- Vitosky Elementary (Title I), M.I.S.D.

Jean Embry:  Principal- Irvin Elementary (Title I), M.I.S.D.

Campus Administrators- Dee Arterburn (Site Supervisory), Coy Tipton, and Natalie Dennington

Literature, including books, blogs, and articles

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have lots of great ideas! I hope that you are able to implement them with ease. It sounds like you have a good handle on exactly what you expect to accomplish. I use incentives daily in class. The incentives or prizes are given out to those kids who go above and beyond just class work. In my case that is performing their instrument. We give them out when they show good citizenship by helping others or cleaning up for example. Our PTSO gives out gift cards or mp3 players for attendance. They put all the kids with perfect attendance in a drawing and select 1 or 2 from each grade. So, I believe incentives are great, and I have seen them work in my class; however, I have not seen any data to support that it helps the students want to come to school. WE struggle with tardies also. Most of our tardies happen in the morning. These are usually because the parent did not get up or had other things to do. I believe the big issue is parental accountability. As far as during the day, that is strictly a kid issue. I hope in your research you are able to determine why the student decides to show up late to a particular class. I am curious to see what you come up with, and maybe I can pass the information on to my administrators. Good Luck.
